Bohatsky Family – Personal Correspondence Materials
The collection of correspondence of the Bohatsky family (Pavlo Bohatsky, Valery, his wife, and Oleksandr, their son) contains 203 private letters and correspondence cards written between 1920 and 1937. Correspondence between Pavlo and Valery in Ukrainian language prevails. Letters from other family members and acquaints are also common. A significant part of them is written in Polish and Russian. Most letters are hand-written, some of them are typed. They are usually personal and intimate, although some of them contain interesting notes about Ukrainian emigration in Czechoslovakia. In the correspondence, one can also find information about emigrant organizations in Prague and about the situation at the Ukrainian grammar schools in Revnice and Modrany. The letters from the USSR and Poland include information about life of Ukrainians in these countries.
The collection of the Bohatsky Family was discovered in the Slavonic Library Archives in 2002.