Special Collections of the Slavonic library

The database "Special Collections of the Slavonic Library" (SSSK) provides basic data, inventory lists and other information about the collections in the Slavonic Library. These collections consist of non-library documents or library documents of unusual formats. They cannot be added to normal library collections and therefore they cannot be found in the electronic catalog of the Slavonic Library. They include first of all:

  • Paper documents
  • Picture material and paintings
  • Ex Libris
  • Posters
  • Photographs
  • Selected cartographic documents
From the collection of photographs created by Rudolf Hůlka - Yasinya, three friends in Hutsul folk costumes (1921)
From the collection of photographs created by Rudolf Hůlka - Yasinya, three friends in Hutsul folk costumes (1921)

The SSSK Database provides a list of all special collections of the Slavonic Library. If the collection has been processed and is accessible, one can find detail description and its inventory list. The database allows full-text searching of the inventory lists.

The collections are owned by the Slavonic Library (a branch of the National Library of the Czech Republic), which also maintains and processes them and makes them accessible.